Generation In-Between: A Xennial Podcast
Xennial co-hosts Dani and Katie talk about their analog childhoods, digital adulthoods and everything in between. If you love 1980's and 1990's pop culture content, this is the podcast for you!
Generation In-Between: A Xennial Podcast
Dawson's Creek, S2 E8: The Reluctant Hero Drinks Coca-Cola
Join us as we discuss our rewatch of Dawson's Creek Season 2, Episode 8 titled The Reluctant Hero. We're rewatching Dawson's Creek on Hulu (as of March 2025).
Dawson's comparison to Jimmy Stewart's righteous character in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" feels particularly on-the-nose as he reluctantly steps in to "save" Jen from her self-destructive spiral at yet another unsupervised kegger. Meanwhile, Pacey discovers his hidden talent for compassionate crisis management when helping Andy with her mother's mental health crisis-- proving that guidance counselors don't always know best.
Whether you're revisiting Capeside for nostalgia's sake or discovering these characters for the first time, join us as we unpack what makes Dawson's Creek a beloved classic and a revealing artifact of its time. And stay tuned – we'll be doubling our episode coverage going forward to move through the series more quickly.
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Hello everyone and welcome back to our Nostalgic or Problematic series where we are chatting about Dawson's Creek and we are on Season 2. So, if you're new here, we do have this series where we rewatch things and then talk about them from our perspective. Now, correct, right. So we are on Season 2. We are on Episode 8 already, wow, yeah, and it is titled the Reluctant Hero. So we are on season two. We are on episode eight already. Wow, yeah, and it is titled the Reluctant Hero. So here is the summary as a film festival prize fails to reunite Dawson and Joey Andy sets out to help Pacey get his life on track, love it, yes, exactly right.
Speaker 1:Okay, before we start going into the weeds here, I'm thinking you know what? I think we should do, what I mean, not like we have so much free time, but I, you know, we did two episodes last time. Yeah, I think we should start doubling up and do it each time. I do, cause there are six seasons of Dawson's Creek. Yeah, and at this rate, it's going to take us five years to get through. It is, yeah, all of them. I agree, I think we can do it. I think we can double up, not today, but starting next time, but I think we should. Okay, that works for me because and I mean it's, I mean it these aren't, these are easy to kind of like watch in segments, it's. I can't do that. I can't watch anything for longer than like 40 minutes, not because of attention span, I just literally don't have time. Yeah, yeah, I think so. So everyone, um, we're going to try that, let's try it, let's try it. Maybe we'll do nine and 10 together. Yeah, okay, because I was thinking last night when I was watching it, I was like God, this is going to take us forever to get through this whole freaking show, and we have other shows. We want to do this with True. I mean, we talked about taking a break after season two and doing a different show. Oh, we did. Yeah, potentially, I feel like we should keep going. I know, right, yeah, now that we're on a roll. So two episodes, let's do it. Troy says that all the time. Really, what? Yeah, I love it To be funny, not serious. Oh, okay, anyway, so let's chat here, we go, all right.
Speaker 1:So the opening it's always Dawson watching a movie with some unsuspecting victim, and this time he's watching Mr Smith Goes to Washington with Pacey. Yeah, and Pacey's very, because he's Pacey but he's very snarky about Jimmy Stewart's character. So if you haven't seen this episode of Dawson's or that movie, it's an old movie with James Stewart as Mr Smith and it's a drama and it's a classic and all this. And you know Dawson, he's really into the classics and so he loves that. It has this moral compass and standing up. And you know, dawson, he's really into the classics and so he loves that. It has like this moral compass and like standing up and Jimmy Stewart and Pacey's kind of making fun of Jimmy Stewart but basically saying, dawson, you are him, I know, like that's why you like it, but also, no, because I wrote down, I love Jimmy Stewart, I love him. He is one of my favorite actors of all time. Yeah, he's amazing, I'm serious, yeah, I'm serious. So do not, pacey, compare dawson to the beloved jimmy stewart. Okay, fair enough. Sorry, fair enough. That's all I had on that. I just thought that scene was cute.
Speaker 1:Oh, also, before we move on, what happened to the one word episode titles we had in season one? Weird, right. I'm wondering if that changed originally or if that was when they moved streaming platforms and they had to, or not even, not even that, but just like something. Yeah, I don't know, maybe or like later, the theme song changed. Yeah, and that didn't happen in real life. No, but like in the 90s For syndication, slash, streaming syndication the theme song is different for season two, on which I hate so much, makes me so mad, I hate it too. It's probably an okay song. No, it's not. It's not. Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, I need my Paula Cole back.
Speaker 1:Everyone, I know, I don't even know, I don't want to wait, I don't want to wait. Something in Barrels the new one, I don't even listen. Something in Barrels, I don't know. Yeah, oh, I didn't even know that. Hearts in Barrels, I don't know. Hearts in Barrels, probably not, but Maybe that's one of your true crime shows. No, well, hearts in Barrels, I'm going to find it. True crime, true crime shows. They have theme songs. Um, no, it's just like ominous music usually. Like what would you even say? I don't, I don't know, because I don't watch that much. No, it's just ominous music. Um, okay, let's see what I just had.
Speaker 1:The one word thing jimmy stewart. Okay, poor jen, five seconds in, she's drunk in clemency dawson's window, yep, I puking. Did she puke in that? Yeah, she felt like no, she thought she was going to, she had the phantom feeling of puke. That's the worst, oh, when you feel like you have to puke and then nothing happens, yeah. And then Dawson says to Pacey third time this week or something like that, which, okay, okay, I'm gonna say this, they're taking that way too lightly. Also, strict ass, grams jen's out drinking drunk at dawson's every night. Where what is grams doing? Yeah, weird, right, like she's to believe that she's just checked out. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, that's some weird stuff happening. But anyway, if your friend shows up to your house repeatedly drunk after going through some hard shit, guys need to get her some adult help. Exactly, exactly, yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:So then we've got the scene of Pacey. It took me a second to even figure out who Pacey was talking to, and he's with his guidance counselor, I guess. Oh, yeah, because it was dark, like the. It was like dark, but it was like a or wasn't. Maybe it wasn't dark. It reminded me of him being in like a police station or something, but I guess it was his guidance counselor and he's like yeah, you're bad at this, you're bad at that. I didn't even know you could fail an aptitude test, but you did, and I was just like, okay, I know this is a lot, it was a lot, but I mean it had to set it up for pacey to then like rise above as the episode went on, but I thought that was an interesting scene, um, okay.
Speaker 1:So then dawson gets the letter. Well, he's talking to his dad, who's at the house packing which let's talk about that for a second, because Mitch tells Dawson like oh, I just want to be your friend. Yeah, and y'all know, I knew, I thought I knew, I know. But then Dawson validated what I was saying because he said in the end of the episode dad, I don't want another friend, I want a father. Yep, which guys? You got to be your kid's parent first.
Speaker 1:Yep, and honestly, I'm fine if my kids never think of me as a friend. You need to always think of me as your mother, like they should have friends, the way you said mother reminds me of in Rent, when she's like Mother, no, when she goes. Well, yeah, that too, when she goes. Please call your mother Mother. You said they need to think of me as their mother, but, yes, heavy on the R, but yes, I just and you know what Jamila agreed with me. We had a whole conversation about that. She said the same thing. She's like my kids don't ever need to think of me as as a friend. They need to think of me as their mom. And I mean you can be friendly. But I mean you can be friendly, but of course you know you have fun together and all of that, but but right, anyway, and dawson said that at the end he's like I don't want, I don't want you, but I think that happens a lot though in divorced families.
Speaker 1:I know that my dad tried to do that with my sister a little bit. She was older, she was um, she was 18, wait, no, 16, 16 ish. Um, when they separated and then got divorced. And I know you tried to like, kind of be buddy with her and she was not hot. I mean now, granted, sometimes you get a little spoiled.
Speaker 1:Like my dad had bought a this is so standard um, middle-aged divorced man. He bought a red miata. Do you remember when those came? Yes, my sister had a new license and she got to drive that thing. Dang. Now you want to. You want a quick way to be the favorite parent. Get a cool car and let your young teen drive it, yeah, yeah, because they had just come out like they were brand new, littlest, most unsafe car ever, probably to put a teenager behind anyway, but cute. But I think that does happen a lot with divorced parents, sure, right, yeah, and you wonder, like, how much is and I, I haven't been that parent, but how much of it is, um, your own grappling for loneliness, yes, and connection, which is probably a lot, yeah, which is, I mean, I mean, human nature. It is, it's going to happen, but anyways, but no, okay.
Speaker 1:So all I was going to say is his dad then hands him this like piece of mail. Mitch hands Dawson a letter. He's like, oh, by the way, this letter came for you, which, if y'all remember, cool stuff did come in the mail, sometimes back in the day, like stuff you didn't expect, like this. But I was just thinking like this would never happen. Now you would have gotten an email and, like you would have gone on a website and like, accepted your award.
Speaker 1:But the letter announced that dawson and joey, because she produced it, had been awarded like a young filmmakers award in the state and there was a check for twenty five hundred dollars, which, which I looked up what that would be today. So $2,500 in 1999 would be about $4,550 now. Whoa, but even $2,500, I'd be happy with that too. I got some bills that need that. Yeah, yeah, I mean yeah, and the money was supposed to be to produce their next thing, right, but it didn't say it had to be. But that's what supposedly they were sending it for, because they saw the potential and wanted them to continue filmmaking.
Speaker 1:Yes, so that's what it was for, but I thought that was really funny. Um, so then I just wrote down kegs and eggs. When Jen's talking to Chris and his friend, his little sidekick, kegs and eggs, I was like, yes, first of all, I keep saying first of all, this episode, I don't know what's going on. Second of all, but whatever, all these high school kids with keggers, where the hell are the guardians? Yes, like now.
Speaker 1:Granted, I went to some keg parties when I was in high school, but this is during the school week. Yes, and it's repeat, it's every night. So apparently, supposedly there's a party somewhere. Yeah, it's not just like one house. Yeah, parents are in Costa Rica for the week, or whatever what. There's a lot of partying going on, do you know? It's funny because, like, I remember watching stuff before I was in high school and before, as a teenager, movies, and so you see, and you'd be like, oh, our party's gonna be like that. No, they're not. They're awkward and they're loud. I mean, I did go to parties where there was underage drinking sorry mom, uh, but they weren't like ragers, right? Do you know what I mean? I do, I totally do, and certainly not in high school. I can remember some house parties I went to in college oh well, college when I was still underage, so I was in college but I wasn't old enough to legally be drinking that were like crazy. I mean, college parties are exactly what you think they're going to be most of the time, but that's because you don't live with your guardians or your parents anymore, right? So you are just kind of like independently doing whatever and you're living in communal spaces where there's a lot of you.
Speaker 1:My husband and I were just talking about that this morning. We were talking about college in general. I said college is funny because, well, my son just turned 18 today, so this is why we were talking, yeah, future plans. And I said it's interesting because, on one hand, it's a great idea to have all these young people in each other's space, learning together and growing up and becoming independent together, but on the other hand, it's a recipe for disaster, because this is the first time any of them have done that. It's almost a social experiment it is. Yeah, it's like we've deemed you as a society old enough to handle all of this at once together and you can ask each other for advice and like in your little peer group. It's surprising that it actually does go okay for so many people. You know what I? It's so funny when I think about college, cause, like Troy and I had very different experiences because what we both went to college and we were 17.
Speaker 1:Okay, which is wild. Um, we both partied a lot, but the difference was from and Troy actually had to leave school and go enlist in the military for a while Cause he messed up so bad in school. The difference for me was that I put school first, so I would literally plan my whole schedule of classes so I could take the bare minimum hours to be full time. Yeah, serious yeah, and I got my assignments done early so I could go out. Like school came first for me, so I graduated magna cum laude. I did graduate a little bit later, but I would go to school in the summer, yep, and like I just school came first but I still had plenty of time, but you used it like to adjust to the like life you wanted to lead around it and Troy just did not. He just, I mean, he would say this, I'm not throwing him under the bus, guys, he just was like, ah, he just didn't go to class. That's brilliant too. He just did not actually finish college till he was 29 or 30. Oh yeah, troy was 26. He had to go back a couple of times.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we always talk about Tommy boy, oh yeah. Or David's phase, where he's like it takes a lot of people nine years to college and he's like, yeah, they're called doctors. Yeah, exactly, are you a doctor? But yeah, I mean, I think it's just, it's just so dependent on the, on the person it really is. And like in the case of of my son, like we're not sure which direction he wants to go, but like for us it's like if he would rather be home and just take a few courses locally, or even drive back and forth to UCF a day or a week, and then later on be like, oh, here's where I want to go, or this is what I want to do, that is fine. Oh yeah, like also just work for a while, like whatever, because we were. That's why we were talking about it.
Speaker 1:We're like, you know, it's not great for everyone. No, it's not. If they're not ready, it's not. And I mean, I think it's crazy to think everybody has to go to college anyway. Also. That that's crazy. That's also. Yeah, I hate that narrative, like, I think it's and it's it's.
Speaker 1:It's very funny because Tori and I both are from families of college graduates. Both of our parents have degrees or multiple degrees. A lot of them went to grad school as well. But it's interesting that I have such a different opinion, because I he grew up in a house that said everybody goes to college. I grew up in a house that said everybody has to go to college, right, like y'all. That wasn't even a question. But I never want my kids to feel like that, right, because everybody doesn't have to go to college. Hello, I know so many successful people that have not gone to college. Oh yeah, and like, do you know what I mean? Totally, totally. Yeah.
Speaker 1:The one thing we do tell them, though like, if, if you, if you do decide not to go to college. Do find a way to further yourself, like go to a trade school, you know. Like find a skill to hone into, find a job you can learn in, even like technology stuff. Now you can take coding courses through Google. You can take, yes, further yourself yourself. You can do certificate programs that are a couple months where you're just like this one specific skill I would like to learn, yeah, so you learn it. Or find an apprenticeship. You can totally like work while you're learning a skill, absolutely so there's anyway.
Speaker 1:Okay, I don't know god, we are on tangents today. So we were talking about, okay, where were we? Um, I don't know, oh, I, kegs and eggs. Oh, I said there was. There was a luke perry joke. I missed it. All I put was luke perry joke, but it was something to the effect of I I want to say dawson was talking to jen, maybe, about she wanted him to go to the party and he wasn't gonna go. And then later he decided to go to the party and he wasn't going to go. And then later he decided to go to the party and he said like I'm not Luke Perry, or something like that. Yeah, cause Luke Perry was the bad boy, I did think it was. Yeah, I did think it was funny.
Speaker 1:Um, how they kept showing Dawson at the party drinking a Coke yeah, I wrote that down and it was clearly a Coke Like they made sure to be like Dawson's the only one not drinking, everyone at that party. Don't worry, like we ever would have thought anything else of him at this point. Don't even worry, because there are episodes to come where, yes, and then there's a part of the little scene between Jack and Joey in the cafeteria oh, yeah, they're in line for food and he's like describing all the food different ways and it's so funny. And at the end of it they decide they make plans to hang out and Joey says, oh, is it a date? He said it's not a date, it's a date, it's a date. That's so funny. That cracked me up, me too. Okay, I do have a few things before that, though. Okay, what you got.
Speaker 1:So I did appreciate when jack was apologizing to joey for the kiss, but then he kissed her again later without consent. But fine, uh, also, that red sweater he had on with the stripe. Yes, I totally had that. Love it, okay, um, then, okay, this is something I noticed about joey.
Speaker 1:Y'all have the same kind of hair. You and katie holmes? Oh, it's not, we do. Hers is shorter than yours, yeah. But as I was watching it, I was like her and katie have the same kind of hair we do like, yeah, color texture, look at that weird. You're right, I know, it's just something random, I love that. Um.
Speaker 1:And then I was like when Andy took that stand for Pacey in the cafeteria, oh yeah, I was like you go girl. Yeah, that was sweet. I like that. And then also the sweater vest she had on with the stripe. I also had that. So cute, I had both of those items. I probably. I think I even have a senior picture of me in that sweater vest with the white collar shirt over. I swear, I'm going to have to find it. I love that. I'm going to have to find it, all right. So back to the dat. Back to the dat that made me laugh. I read that down too.
Speaker 1:As soon as he sits down, jack, like right after that conversation the first. Then he's like he's like sorry man, I know Dawson's your friend. And then Pacey's like yeah, I'm just going to stay out of it. He's like this is awkward. But then Andy was happy for him. Yeah, which was cute. Yeah, just like, oh, that's great, or whatever. Jack is a year younger, okay. So then Dawson, I wrote Dawson so annoying, showing up on Joey's doorstep with a check.
Speaker 1:Really, I thought he was so annoying in that scene, not because he brought a check, but just in general. Oh, okay, I see what you're saying. Just when he showed up with a check, yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought he was so annoying in that scene. He was, he was For for sure, okay, so you agree. No, no, I agree.
Speaker 1:But then I wrote ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, like a bunch of ha's, when he stomped off to his canoe, jack or not canoe, why do I always say canoe? I say it too, I know, I think you said it first. I did, robo, planted it in your head. Yeah, he stomped off, let me go back to my boat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, did you hear the music playing? Then? It was like, it was like saloon western music. It was like oh, but then later on in the episode, jack references he's like it, it's, it was like an old, I know.
Speaker 1:Oh, they did that on purpose. That was dumb, though, that was dumb. I didn't like that. Um, okay, so is mitch living in the warehouse he bought. Yes, okay, I was confused about that, they didn't really. Yeah, they never said it, but that's what it looked like. Yeah, that's what he's doing. A couple times they showed it, okay, which I mean okay.
Speaker 1:But let's just talk about Dawson's dad in the V-neck shirt. That was nice, that was good. You knew I was going to say that, you knew it, you knew it Really, really. But then I put mitch living in the warehouse sad, I know. I said mitch packing, moving out and then into his new place. Look, let me show you my notes. I wrote dawson's dad in the v-neck t-shirt, ochre, and right right after mitch living in the warehouse sad, I know, right, it was, it was so sad. He made me sad too, it was. But also, if you looked like that back then as a single dad, you ain't gonna be single for long in that warehouse. No, just just save your money, live in your warehouse, because you're not gonna be there long, okay, um, okay.
Speaker 1:So I have a quote. What? What your next note? Do you want to do it? No, no, um, this is a quote from j Jen when she's trying to get Dawson to go to the party, right, and he's kind of like she's like don't worry, like it's not because I like you or whatever, and she's like you're way too far gone as a rebound case for me.
Speaker 1:I just thought that was a funny line. Why does she even want him to go anyway? Like, obviously he is not. Honestly, I thought it was because she can sense that he's sad, right, but like Dawson is like not exactly a fun person probably to have at a party, why would you want him to come along to a kegger with you, close up of him drinking the Coca-Cola? Like we all had those, we all had like those friends back in the day We'd be like, oh shit, what's her face is coming? Great, because you know it's like a kind of a wet blanket situation, like a Debbie Downer Debbie Downer, right, we all had people in our circles that you were like, ah, right, we had.
Speaker 1:There was one sorority sister of mine. I will not name who it is so y'all can just guess, but if you were in my sorority you will know who I'm talking about, who we was in my little circle and we used to really not like when she would come to parties with us at fraternity houses because she would get so drunk and somebody would have to babysit her all night, and that is. I was like that's the opposite, like cause you probably have to babysit Dawson a bit, cause he's going to be whiny about something, so with it he would Not cause he cause he's drunk and I have to hold his hand a little. And she was also like a sad drunk so she'd cry all the time too. Yeah, she eventually got past that, but you know, I mean I think I hope okay.
Speaker 1:So, speaking of Jen, you know how she was like ready to go out and she had on like that three, four sleeve business shirt. Yes, I also had that shirt. That was a cute shirt. I also have a picture of me on New Year's Eve on Bourbon Street in that business casual attire. Also, why did we wear business casual crap as going out clothes? We did from like 98 to 2002 or something. What we really did. We look like we were going to meetings, I know, but we were going to the club Club or the kegger or the keg and eggs, which that's not exactly comfortable attire. It's really not. You cannot get low. Nor do keg stands in business clothes. No, actually, I mean you could. It's just not choice wear we did. It's just not choice. Wear Not choice. No, oh my God, okay.
Speaker 1:So the next thing I have is on Andy's mom. Yeah, and I just put a sad face and just said it Just a reminder that people can look in, yeah, normal, and well, I shouldn't say normal. Yeah, people can look like nothing's wrong, look like nothing's wrong and have issues underneath, especially when it's a younger person, I mean in like a younger adult. Again, she doesn't have dementia per se, but portraying those types of traits, um, that they, their body, may seem completely functioning. Like she was gardening when she was having her little episode about oh, pacey, I'll make you a sandwich and oh. But then all of a sudden, oh, if you, it's too bad, is it tom tim, tim, tim. Yeah, it's too bad, tim's not, he's really good at that, and that's like the, the moment where you're like, oh, she's having a little episode, you know. So it's just a reminder, I know she's having a hard time. That was really. That was so sad.
Speaker 1:I just wrote Leah, I have later when they're in talking to her oh, so look, I and I know that they set it up this way when the guidance counselor is like you're terrible at everything Cause then when you see that scene, you're like he's really good with people, he's good at deescalation, he's good at, like, making people feel good. So right away in your head you're like, no, he's good at stuff. Look at him. He's good at stuff. Look at him, you know he's doing what no one else is apparently able to do in this situation. And that's what Andy ends up telling him yeah, exactly Right, exactly, oh. But speaking of Andy, another nostalgic thing I wrote down her turquoise iMac. Oh, yes, oh, come on, I remember when I, the first time, when I moved out of our dorms and moved into apartment, my one of my roommates, catherine, she got one of these.
Speaker 1:She was, she's a graphic designer, that was her major, and those were like the. Those were a big deal guys, those were, and she had to have one for all the design stuff they were doing. And she got it and I was like, oh my God, it's the coolest thing. And then a computer lab and education department Cause I was an education major at that time. They got a grant or something and so we had a whole computer lab filled with them. Nice, but I hate working on iMacs and my brain could not like I had the hardest time shifting because we had to like, make websites and like stuff my brain on an iMac. Still, I have a PC to this day because like, but I have an iPhone, but that's different. It's different. I had one. You did. You had one of those.
Speaker 1:Was it turquoise? Remember there was four? Yeah, there was four colors. It was turquoise, red, yep blue, uh, darker blue, uh-huh it green, I don't know, maybe I don't know, it might have been. Yeah, because one of the things I had when I went to college was part of my scholarship included a computer. Whoa, it wasn't like a full scholarship or anything that's amazing, but like whatever I was getting.
Speaker 1:And I remember my mom and I talked about it and she's like you can do a PC or a Mac, and my mom worked for a publication at the time, like a magazine. She was just like an admin for them or something. But she was like, oh, you should do a Mac and I did and I used it like all through college, yeah, but and I did have to take a few design classes Do you have a Mac now? But I would like one? Oh, yeah, I had one for a job a couple of years ago.
Speaker 1:I had a MacBook and it did take me a little while to like get acquainted with it, especially because then in my personal life I was using like a regular laptop and then, when I wasn't with that company anymore, I had to send it back and I was like so sad, troy loves his and I we just got one for my son for his birthday and I was like shopping for them and I was like doing the math, I'm like all right, should I get one for myself? Not today because I'm buying a whole other one for another person, but like doing the math because I would really like to get one. Yeah, troy loves his, he's had his forever. Yeah, and like you know, my shit breaks all the time and he's like it's because it's a PC and I'm like no, it's because it's me, but me but well, and like what I loved about it a few years ago when I had one is it does sync with your phone if you want it to. So like my texts I could look at on my computer like I, you're just everything that's happening on your phone is also on your laptop. But I need I need that not to happen.
Speaker 1:I don't like all the. I don't like everything being all connected. I hate it. That's fair too. That's why I don't have an Apple watch. Yeah, like mine broke and I didn't get another one. Yeah, I was like me. And let me tell you from a fitness, a group fitness or even personal training.
Speaker 1:Sometimes those damn watches get on my nerves because, with the rings and I tell people like I got you not your watch, like right. I tell people like I got you not your watch, like right, I'm here with you and I'm a human, I got you. Don't worry about what your watch says, cause, by the way, they're not a hundred percent. I don't care what they tell you, they're not a hundred percent. So I will make sure you're doing what you need to be doing off your watch. And then it's just, I feel like it just has. It's no different than looking at your phone constantly, like people look at their right, and I don't want to be reachable all the time.
Speaker 1:Right, when I did have an apple watch, which I had really for I don't remember you having it. It broke not that long ago. It was. Did you just like never wear it? Um, no, I wear it most of the time. Yeah, but then, once it it broke. I just was like, meh, I'm good, I got mine during covid and so I was walking a lot and things like that. But I didn't have it synced to my phone, oh. So like my text wouldn't come through unless, like basically, I would just turn the bluetooth off on it. So it couldn't. But if there was a situation where, like I needed it to or whatever, I would reconnect it.
Speaker 1:But, um, mine I purely used for like standing and calories and movement and all of that. But kind of like you, when it wasn't working anymore, I was like I don't want to track any of that anymore. Like, yeah, because you get hooked on it and it just becomes and I understand, like it's good to be aware, sure, of how much you are doing those things, or if you're not standing enough. And but I'm like I've I wore it for over three years Like I'm aware, like I've formed the habits now or I'm just going to be like, yeah, so what? I sat for three hours recording a podcast, cause like I need to get it done, or I had work calls or I'm just exhausted. That's fine, you know, but I think for the awareness component it's fine, you know, but I think for the awareness component. It's fine.
Speaker 1:But I just got to the point where I was like, yeah, I don't, I don't really need to know all those things all the time. Yeah, all right, whatever, wow, I'm moving on. Don't know, god, we are. Where are we today? Today, hello, um, I put jack's lightning story. Where they're, they're eating fries and drinking the soda. Yeah, he talks about how lightning struck right in front of him and she was like, oh my God, that's terrifying. He's like no, it was so cool and fascinating, which, whatever.
Speaker 1:But then I got really annoyed because she's like oh, yeah, dawson and I tried to be Benjamin Franklin when we were kids, but like, the way he got mad about it bothered me. I know, I mean, I get it. It like don't bring up your ex. But she wasn't bringing him up in the context of being an ex. She was bringing him up as like this is something that happened as children. Well, and they grew up together like right and so for him to be and him to be like oh, you're talking about dawson again. I'm like not really, though. Like this is this would be like. If you're like oh, my sister, my sister and I, blah, blah, blah, like that's, I don't know that bothered me. I didn't like that. I didn't even write that. And then, oh, I said Dawson taking a big swig of Coca-Cola yeah, which you already mentioned when they go to the party, yeah, or he ends up going with Jen.
Speaker 1:I did say while I was watching, towards the end of the episode, her whole like self-destruction and like seeking approval but viewing it as fun, I totally got, I totally did that back. I mean, I was in college Well, I would say high school too. I went through a little bit of that. You're like, oh, I'm just having a good time. I'm just having a good time when you're not like I can look back now and be like I wasn't really having a good time. I was looking for approval, I was, I was masking, yeah, I was trying not to deal with what was really happening, like which is all the things she's doing, and I was like, oh, I don't think I realized that that was triggering for me until right then. Yeah, no's, I think we, I think in general that's developmentally appropriate in some ways anyway, but certainly because she's dealing with so much.
Speaker 1:So I, towards the end of the episode, got annoyed at the storylines of this episode that Pacey saves the day with Andy's mom and then Dawson saves the day quote unquote with Jen and that they just and even like Jack, sort of like commandeering some like of the of the situations with Joey. I just felt like the men in this episode were just like right about stuff and the women needed help yeah, they needed their help, or they wouldn't. Like andy couldn't get her mom home and jen, you know, was, and, and then him interrupting like her thing, oh, you're about to like make out with two guys and I'm like like, ah, I see both sides, one she's a child still and two men, well, and then be dangerous. One man can be dangerous. And those guys were being creeps, they were being, I mean, and they made that clear by what chris said to dawson, like when he was like jen's a good friend to have around. Uh, remember, yeah, and he's like she's down for whatever. However, he said it right, it was disrespectful, it was very much made it very clear that he was waiting for her to be drunk and ready to do whatever. And he was trying to tell dos because then when dawson comes in, he goes. Dawson come play. Yeah, which gross.
Speaker 1:Also question mark yeah, because god, yeah, right, right, but I mean whatever, but I, yeah, why would you and why would you think Dawson was gonna come join in a threesome? Hello, him and his coca-cola. Would you even want that? Right, I mean I don't, anyway, but I mean I don't anyway, but I mean so. So that's what I mean.
Speaker 1:Like it was probably an unsafe and non non respectful situation for Jen, yeah, but just the way that I felt like it was dogpiling, you're right, it was a terrible, but I felt like maybe stockpiling, ok, that might be better. It was just like the the men saving everything scene cut to this scene, this scene, this scene that I was just like. This feels gross. Very like I'm the savior, yeah, white man savior, yeah, yeah, although, like I really appreciated what Pacey did and obviously Dawson was, was helping his friend is just, I don't know. It just rubbed me the wrong way. What would have been a better savior in that party situation is was if Joey was at that party and she saved Jen, that would have been better, that would have been better. I'm gonna save Jen, but helped, helped her as a friend, right, right, um, yeah, but anyway, anyway. So I really didn't have much else, did you I?
Speaker 1:The only other thing I wrote was like they finally did show some real effects of like teen drinking, where she was like puking and drunk and like getting herself into unsafe situations but like, but I felt like they waited. It's only because it was like her bad girl moment, right, and you needed Dawson to save her, right For the plot line, right. So it's like, oh well, only when there's back. I don't know, I just, I still just have issues. I feel like that is a problematic thing in this series. Continuously, continuously. It's the glamorizing of those things. Yeah, Also, jack again problematic kissed Joey without her consent at the end of their date and it was awkward.
Speaker 1:It did not, that was weird, it was a weird screen kiss. They should have refilmed that, I'm serious. He was just like, yeah. I was like oh, yeah, but also no, sir, you did not say can I kiss you now? Is that all right? Right, so I was proud of you at the beginning of the episode, not proud of you at the end. Well, it's like actions speak louder than words, right? So? So your words were great, right, but then you follow up with an action, unless and this is just maybe what the writers were even thinking he was apologizing because she had a? Was he apologizing more because of the situation? Yes, she had a boyfriend, I think so, and not because of the consent, I think so. And at the end of this episode is a different story. It's like, oh, the boyfriend's gone, so I can just do what I want, right, which is not good, but I'm guessing that's why it was okay in the. Anyway, boo, all right.
Speaker 1:Well, I guess we're going to start doubling up on episodes, because that worked out great last week. It did it did because that worked out great last week. So, um, and then you can, and if you still just want to listen to one at a time, you just do a little pause in between. Come back later, no worries, do a little pause. Do a Katie watching a movie? Yeah, pull one of those.
Speaker 1:And I, I do that with podcasts. I do too, I do, I do too. I'll listen to that handsome podcast, and I walked longer, I know, because they're so funny, right To like finish the first episode, I know. And you went all the way back to the beginning. Yeah, I've only listened to the one so far. Wow, so I'm going to listen to more this week. I went to the start.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, that's great. I love them. They're so freaking funny. They get funnier. That's all I can say. Yes, I don't know how, oh God, they're so good.
Speaker 1:I was listening to their latest episode today, like the three of them together. Have you ever watched any of their standup? No, I don. Oh man, like outside of the show. So they all three have some comedy specials on Netflix. Okay, all three very different styles which you probably picked up. Um, just, you'll have a grand time watching it. I can't wait. Yeah, fortune fortune just came out with a recent one, and then Tig actually has a documentary um from a few years back where she um, so she actually made I don't want to tell you too much because I want you to watch the documentary because I think you'd really like it. She announced she had cancer at a standup show of hers. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, but she did this. She had a whole documentary about that process and then her adoption journey and IVF, like what Sarah gets, and then how she met her wife and it's it's really good. Okay, anyway, I'll have to check that out. So, yeah, thanks for joining us, thanks for listening here, and we'll see you back on Dawson's Creek or a normal episode. Yeah,