Generation In-Between: A Xennial Podcast
Xennial co-hosts Dani and Katie talk about their analog childhoods, digital adulthoods and everything in between. If you love 1980's and 1990's pop culture content, this is the podcast for you!
Generation In-Between: A Xennial Podcast
Dawson's Creek, S2 E6 and E7: Dance Drama and All-Night Study Sessions
Join us in our rewatch of Dawson's Creek as part of our Nostalgic or Problematic series. This week we talk about two episodes from Season 2.
In Episode 6, love and friendship drama unfolds amidst the backdrop of Capeside's homecoming dance. Dawson grapples with his parents' divorce while his friends navigate their own emotional challenges.
In Episode 7, Andi tries to rally a study session that gets derailed with a magazine quiz and drama at rich classmate Chris Wolfe's house.
We are watching Dawson's Creek Season 2 on Hulu (as of March, 2025).
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Hello everybody and welcome back to our Seasons 2, season 2, dawson's Creek rewatch. For those of you that are new here, this is our Nostalgic or Problematic series, and right now we are rewatching Dawson's Creek. Like I said, season 2, we are currently on Episode 6, and it is titled the Dance, and here is the summary. A homecoming dance brings Pacey and Andy together while driving Dawson and Joey apart. That's right, homecoming dance. You know, if you have any teen drama, you've got to have the homecoming dance on some sort of episode.
Speaker 1:Listen, I had so much drama at like every dance I went to my entire life, from middle school on. Yeah, mostly in middle school I was depressed because nobody wanted to dance with me. That's a rough one, listen. And boys are mean, girls are mean too, yeah, but I mean like I know what you're saying though yeah, anyway, yeah, and so drama at dances is a real life. You're saying though, yeah, anyway, yeah, and so drama dances is normal. That's a real life teen thing. All right, you just said All right.
Speaker 1:So right away, the Footloose references were getting me how they were just kind of basically talking about that. And then there was a Marsha Brady reference in there too. Did you hear that that was hilarious, so so funny, that that was hilarious, so so funny. Um, and then I just said dawson's parents talk. I think I'm skipping ahead, though that's when they talked to dawson later about the you know what? Yeah, this later about the divorce, yeah, the, we're not saying divorce, we are okay.
Speaker 1:I wasn't sure if you had anything else on, like the opening. Oh, I just said when, uh, like andy's trying to convince them to go to the dance, yeah, and she said dancing could be really great foreplay, and I was like, yep, that's pretty much the fun of high school dances, right, right, even if it nothing else happens except that at the dance, that was part of the fun. It's a whole thing. Or the hope, the hope for it, absolutely right, yeah, and that's, you know, you get all dressed up. Yes, it is. It reminds me of mean girls, which was obviously after this, the whole like at the watering hole kind of idea, accepted a dance where, like it's such a social experiment, oh, it is. If you were just two people watch it, it's like If you were just two people watch, it's like totally that and we all.
Speaker 1:But we're also like isolated in our own thought bubble when we would go to those things. Oh my God, so much. Whether you were like talking to someone or not, there was always somebody you had your eye on, like who you hoped would see you or think you looked cute, or want to dance with you or whatever. But the most fun dances, though, I will say, were the ones where I just went with a bunch of girlfriends or like platonic male friends, like we just went as a group. It was so much more fun to not have that pressure. Yeah, I agree, like just not. Oh, and my prom date was great. He's gay. Was he out then? Not telling people then, no, okay, and I didn't know that. But we went platonically, okay, but we had so much fun. Was this your senior prom? Uh-huh, we only had a senior prom. Yeah, it's my friend, ryan. So, hey, ryan, I don't know if he listens, but anyways, okay.
Speaker 1:So then dawson's parents talk after the intro. So now they've decided on the previous episode that they're going to get divorced, but they haven't told Dawson yet until now. And I have a heart by it, not because I'm like, yay, they're getting divorced, but I felt like they're and you can tell me yeah, you grew up with your parents, you know, getting divorced and everything. It felt like they handled it well and even when he was sort of throwing a temper tantrum about it, understandably they just kind of stood their ground. And so this isn't your choice, this is our choice. What did you think about all that? Yeah, I mean I was younger than Dawson when my parents split up, but every kid who's from a divorced family remembers the talk like this, no matter how you got it and I think all kids, if they've been with their parents married for whatever amount of time, don't want it to happen, even if it's a toxic situation, even if it's because you, that's what you know, right, that's what, that's just what you know. And I'm not going to say all the time but most of the time, because I mean there are some situations. I'm sure that kids are glad that it's, you know, splitting up, but I think they did a good job of it and I think they did a good job of showing how Dawson felt, like he was pissed. You know you are pissed.
Speaker 1:From a parent perspective, though I can understand when the parents like this is not about you, it is about us, and that is true. Like, even though you are parenting a child, your marriage is just the two of you, right? So it affects your kid, but your marriage and your parenting are separate, which is weird to think about. But it's true, your marriage is its own thing. It had to be before you could even think of having a family together. Well, not before you could think of it, but before you could figure out the dynamic of it. Like you, your, you brought kids into the marriage of you and Brant. He brought kids in and then you had kids. So before you could even figure out how to work that, your relationship had to be set Right. You know what I'm saying. Yes, yeah, it is separate, and it does make you kind of think, because the family unit is not the same as the marriage.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's okay, that's a much easier way of saying what, what I was trying to say, but I thought of that as you were talking, because that's correct, true, and also what you said about and I mean everyone's like this we like the things we know, right, like our routine, we like our comfort. I mean our brains deliberately like those things because they protect us. Well, and I think too, for dawson, like his parents were pretty happy from what he saw, from what he saw, and so it was a happy situation. My parents were not so happy and we did see trouble like arguing and stuff like that, but we still didn't want our parents to split up Right, like my sister and I is what I'm talking about, and I think for Troy it was probably the same. So, yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought that was, and I also thought it was interesting because I think kids probably do this.
Speaker 1:But just in general, if you're going through a divorce or any sort of difficult thing in life, there's all this like outside advice, and so Dawson right away is like well, did you try this, did you do that? Did you da, da, da, da, da. And it's sort of like they're like well, yeah, we got to this point after doing all the obvious things and I get why he was suggesting them, but it was a good reminder to me just in life. I'm like, look, when people get to a point like this, like, or they you know, they've chosen a certain path for cancer treatment, like it's not my place then to be like well, did you start eating this food, did you take this vitamin? Like it's like you know, people generally are pretty good at exhausting all avenues before deciding what they think is next best for them, and I just thought that this scene, especially for when it was written and all of that, was really well done. Yeah, yeah, I agree On a difficult topic, I agree, but I did put in X mainly because it made me sad, not because it was problematic.
Speaker 1:When Mitch is driving away from the house and Gail's standing there and he's kind of looking back but kind of not in there, and he's kind of looking back but kind of not, and it just they did a good job really. I like I had that like pit in my stomach, like oh wow, he's driving away from his family and his home, no shade on him at all, but just like the overwhelming sadness of that. I'm irritated, though, that he was the one who had to leave, really yeah, cause she's the one who had the affair. Right, I mean not to be like sexist, but I just assumed it was because the woman and the child will stay in the house and I'll be the man that goes and lives in a motel. But see, that is sexist, it is. But I mean Because I'll tell you right now, like if it was me in that situation and my husband like went and had an affair, or wait, no, let me flip it the other way around. Yeah, I had an affair.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can be damn sure he wouldn't be like, oh yeah, stay in this lovely house. He'd be like get the fuck out. Like you're not just gonna stay here and me go. I don't know, though, oh, I'm telling you a hundred percent, if, if, for no one, he would not give up his house, his space, that we like may and the kids and all that I'm telling you right now. And, troy, you can come correct me, but I guarantee you, if I went and cheated, he'd be like get your ass out of here. And cause, I would do. That's how I would do too. I'd be like get out, I would. And he would feel the same. He'd be like you need to go. He wouldn't be like, oh, I'm just going to go live in some sad place. Yeah, and it's not in the heat of the moment either, right, like, so, like I could see in this scenario, troy being mad and being like get out. But like he wouldn't mean like like get out for the rest of your life in that moment. But then, if you had counseling or chatted or mediation of some sort, I could see, at the end of that, him being like well, maybe I will, just for the sake of like, continuity and family comfort, I'll be the one to go.
Speaker 1:I don't think so. Do you know how long he's waited for that video game room upstairs? That's true, girl. He ain't trying to give that up. No, that's just. Do you know how long he's waited for that video game room upstairs? That's true, girl. He ain't trying to give that up. No, that's true. And also, he's not one of he would want to be with the kids too, most of the time, that's true, and I would too. It would be hard because we would both want that. It would be a hard thing. And also he's the main breadwinner, yeah, so I wouldn't be able to afford that house by myself. True, true, I guess. Yeah, I guess that's. Do you know what I mean? Right, right. And these are all like dependent on families and financial situations.
Speaker 1:I will say too, in this case, as far as like being with the kids, not to be like oh, it's just one kid. It's one kid and he's almost an adult. Yeah, so it's a little different because at least in the show especially, he's living his own life out there, so it's not like dad and mom see him that much, but I guess in the case of dad, maybe you're giving up like the mornings that you would see him at breakfast before he goes to school, or yeah, I mean you're giving up daily life, yeah, and that's. You know he shouldn't have to. I mean I'm not saying like if you fuck up you should be punished the rest of your life, but also your actions have consequences, right. So you run out on your spouse that you committed not to run out on. You shouldn't get to just continue on in your comfy, big old giant house. You should have to leave. He should get to stay there.
Speaker 1:He didn't do nothing, I will say, and I don't know that he did this on purpose. But like then the scenes with her alone in that big empty house, she was feeling the weight of like or at least it seemed that way of what she'd done and I was glad I was like good, like I feel bad for her and then I don't, because then I'm like but, bitch, you dug this hole yourself and you were having that. It wasn't like a one-time oopsie thing, not like, that's okay, it's not. But it was an ongoing relationship, right, where you're choosing over and over, deceiving over and over? Yeah, like I just can't. I, if you can't tell, I have very slim um understanding, zero Affairs. I just don't be.
Speaker 1:Too many people in our, in our families, have crossed that road and I've just seen the devastation that happens for years, like it doesn't end, and I'm not going to go into the weeds with that. If you're in my family, then you already know there's multiple people. You've got your own family. Yeah, there's multiple people. Maybe you've been in the middle of it yourself. But, yeah, and like, I know that sounds judgy and I, but I don't care because that's how I feel, that's how you feel. And look, in this instance we're not judging anyone. We're talking about the show and you're allowed to. Well, I mean, I am judging my family members. Oh right, that's true, all right. So Danny's family, I stand by that. I don't, I'm not OK. Like, if your marriage is falling apart, the solution is not just to walk out and be a liar like, be a grown up, say this is not working, get counseling or whatever, or get a divorce and then go be with whoever you need to be with. That's my opinion, yeah, yeah, no, I mean that's, you're not wrong. Okay, welcome. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk again. Oh wait, okay, I want to go back. Well, now, since I'm feeling fiery, I'm going to go back and talk about this. We'll rewind a little bit.
Speaker 1:In the episode, abby and Jen were like standing in the courtyard at school and they were like critiquing Christy's body, like oh, are her boobs real? They've got to be, and I just hate that. I know it's fiction, but I hate that like narrative pushing that girls just have to bash down other girls because they're feeling insecure, right, I hate it, I know I do too. That was very cringy, yeah, and I was even thinking I was like, yeah, but like I remember people doing that. But that doesn't make it better, it still happens. And I did it too. Like, listen, I was part of that toxic kind of make it seem normal, yeah, and I don't, I just don't like that.
Speaker 1:And then, but then also I put a smiley face. Abby had on a JNCO sweater. Did you see that? Yes, and she had that little side barrette. Yes, girl, I totally. Those two things in the 90s were totally JNCO sweatshirt and barrette. Yes, yes, I have some pictures of me in those. I looked like an idiot, but I loved them, you loved them, that's all that matters. I thought I looked so cool. I love that. All right, what else do you have?
Speaker 1:I put that when they said just Jack, it was funny. So, from Will and Grace, yeah, and I think that was later. So it wasn't a reference to Will and Grace, right, maybe it was. It was probably. I think it was around the same time, yeah, but he said something about himself and he goes I'm just Jack and I was like it's just Jack, I have the jazz hand. So I just put a heart by that because I just thought that was really, really funny.
Speaker 1:And then, when I get to like the, the actual dance, I said that this dance was very club, like like, my dances did not look like that club, like, yeah, it was like super dark, lots going on with lights. Oh, we, we had. The music was like crazy, like beat heavy, what did I imagine? That? Yes, I was just like this was not like a high school dance I ever went to. I actually thought it was pretty Cause I put.
Speaker 1:I also wrote down like oh my God, swing dancing. Remember when that came back, yes, speaking of my prom date, that's why we had so fun. Had so much fun is cause I remember swing dancing with him. We had a great time. I mean, we didn't do any like the crazy flippy things cause we were about the same size at that time, right, but we had so much fun because that was like the late nineties was a huge resurgence. I remember that and it was like big band culture. Yeah, cause I was in show choir at the time, oh yeah, yep, and we did some of the songs and we did some swing dancing and yeah, it was really fun. And I just put all the dancing at the dance, lol, because it was so bad, except the swing.
Speaker 1:Dancing was cute, dancing was amazing, but you could tell who were like the dancer extras and who were just like the random people extras, because you know, when they film those scenes there's no music, right, they add the music in after, so you just have to like bebop and like hope and I was like, wow, I don't know what we you were following, young man, but it was extra number five. What are you doing there, dude? That's awesome. Oh, that's so funny. That was very close. I mean, what kind of? I don't know why? I just was like whoa are they were they transported to studio 54? It was not. There's like, dj, I don't know you're so funny, dj, sure, studio 54 and a high school dance? I don't know, I can't, you're so, I was just overwhelmed by it. Um, like I want to go to school there.
Speaker 1:I didn't like when joey and jen had that little side chat and Joey called Jenna Barracuda I know, I was like, oh, again with the toxic girl behavior. Yeah, that men are writing in this show, yeah, even though it does happen. But I feel like it just pushes the narrative Right, right, right. And then obvious X, and hopefully I'm not getting too far ahead of myself when dawson punches jack. Okay, I wrote, dawson hits a lot of people in this show, this episode and the next one, or is it just? Are they? No, because we, he punched somebody else at a dance the last season, that's right, that's right. Was it cliff? Yeah, yeah, it was cliff, because we had a whole discussion and then he punched. Yeah, yeah, it was cliff, because we had a whole discussion and then he punched pacey, uh-huh in the first season, right, and then he punches jack. Yeah, I was like, oh, you know what it was. He doesn't punch in the next one. But he like at the end of this episode I think it's the end of this episode he like clear, throw stuff off his desk. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's what it was. And I was like, all right dawson, you're like turning into the Hulk here, buddy. Oh, I do One more thing about the dance.
Speaker 1:I have a funny story that I forgot about until I was watching this Cause you know, pacey was like I don't dance, I don't dance. And then he went and danced with that girl, of course. So I kind of had a similar situation happen to me. Y'all this is so bad. And when I was a senior I think junior or senior in high school went to like homecoming and I invited a guy from another school worst decision ever. He was the worst day I had ever had. And he told me I don't, I don't like fast dance or whatever. And he's like I might like slow dance. I'm like, well, that would have been nice to know, because I am not a girl who doesn't dance. So he was horrible. Um, he knew a few people there from something else. So I go to the bathroom, I come back. Not only is he slow dancing with this girl, he knows they are making out, stop, girl, yes, what? And I was like, well, lovely, amazing, great.
Speaker 1:So there was like an after party after that we were all going to and now he didn't I drove because he didn't, he didn't have a car or something. So he was like so after the dance is over, really. And, by the way, he acted totally unbothered about this whole situation, like we weren't dating or anything, but we were on a date. I was gonna say you invited him because you liked him that way, I don't know. I mean, like we kind of had this flirtation, okay. So so it was a prospect which was made very clear as soon as we got there, like this ain't happening, but you don't make out with something. You could have saved that till later, for the next day, anyway. So we get in the car to leave and he was like oh, are we going to the after party? And I was like, yeah, no, no, no, no, his ass home.
Speaker 1:And I went to the after party because she was there, oh my God. To her credit, though, she really didn't like. She thought we were just kind of there, she didn't know the dynamic. Yeah, I was like, oh my God. And I completely forgot about this until I was like, oh, yeah, I remember that guy, matt totally made out with Heather. Oh my God, so see, it does happen. Dawson's creek hitting reality again. It happened, yeah, it happened. Do you see, I had drama at dances very rarely. Prom had no drama, prom was just a good time. But oh, thank god, prom pulled it out in the end, for you pulled it out. That was what's a weird way to say that that did not happen on prom night. Okay, hello, remember, I told you I remember I'm not his type.
Speaker 1:Um, oh, speaking of when they were dancing in the hall, did you notice that there was a poster on the wall of someone pregnant? It was like a pregnancy awareness poster and I I caught it out of the corner of my eye and then they kept. It was like behind where andy was standing. Okay, no, I did like the other end of the hallway and then I couldn't unsee it and then I was like trying to like. I like paused it, I was like trying to read what it said, but it was something to the extent of like, don't get pregnant, here's some sex education. It was like nothing on the wall and there's just like pregnancy poster. I keep you're very good at noticing that kind of stuff. I did not my eye, it caught my eye. Is that like subliminal messaging, like I know? I don't know? It was weird. I was like why is there one thing on this wall and this is the thing? Um, and I just put that the dancing in the hallway with christy, with pacey, was cliche.
Speaker 1:And then I was upset because he was there with Andy. I know, obviously, poor Andy, I feel you girl. Yeah, yeah, except not really. I mean I was fine but yeah, but I know Different dynamic. And then I switch over to Mitch's motel room. Oh, that was so sad and the home shopping network and like all the things. I know I hated that. But then he calls. I know I wish I don't know how I felt about that because on one hand I was like he called home, like maybe, maybe that's the foundation they do start from, where we're not physically together, but like I want to call you because I miss you, so we have a little conversation on the phone, but I'm still not coming back. Okay, did you ever have a breakup? That was kind of like that.
Speaker 1:I think that's what it reminded me of, where it's like and it never ends well, yeah, or did it for you? I don't think so. Yeah, I mean obviously not with any of those people. Well, right, but right. But I mean like, where you're like you try to still be kind of amicable and like kind of you maybe go back and forth, but it doesn't usually end well. Yeah, you're right. Like you need a clean break. Yeah, I mean when there's kids involved, you still have to have communication, obviously, yeah, but that like weird in-betweenness is no, it's not good for anybody.
Speaker 1:No, I didn't like it. Yeah, I didn't like it either, but it but it did feel relatable. Yeah, I like you walk away and you're like well, I don't know. Um, I said I don't know why this is dawson punching jackie, but I think it's supposed to say Jackie. I was like who's that? Now? And then when they leave the dance and everyone gathers to see Joey and Dawson yelling at each other, what did you think about that? So that actually happened to me in a dance too. Jesus, they just went to all of Danny's dances and put them all in one. No, but I look, you know it was. Yeah, you know, know where you just yeah, it's fine. I don't even know. There's no good story with that except, yeah, it was an ex-boyfriend and I hollering at each other at a dance, that's it. And everybody was around us watching.
Speaker 1:I feel like didn't that happen? In the episode where um joey was in the pageant too? I feel like it was a throwback, where they're they're walking out, yelling at or elevated volume and people are like what's gonna happen? This felt very much like that, um, and then nowadays they would have phones out. That's right, exactly. They'd be like, oh, um, I did like when pacey was honest with and Andy, and they kind of just like talked through it.
Speaker 1:Still, pacey, come on, pacey, I know Like you're there with adorable Andy and then you just you're just, he's like, oh, she's a fantasy. I'm like, does that make her feel better? No, no, like you're not, but she is. But I also felt like the level at which they were talking was respectful and he did admit that he was wrong. Yeah, he did. And then I felt bad for him because he was like why do you like me? I was like oh, because I think we forget sometimes, like pacey comes from a really shitty home life, because they don't talk about it that much in the episodes. Right, they do. Later on they dig a little deeper into that and in seasons to come.
Speaker 1:But you know, his dad pretty much tells him he's worthless all the time. His brother agrees with him, makes him feel. Teachers tell him that like, so he has the confidence and self-esteem like he really doesn't understand. Like, why do do you like me? He's? He means that like he's not like fishing for compliments. He's like this this doesn't make sense to me. Yeah, because you're great, and not that like christy's not great, but it's a different thing. Like he sees the depth of andy and all of that which he doesn't really attach to christy, and maybe there is a lot of depth there, but he's not aware of it. Well, and it's like he said she's a fantasy, right, right, but reality is you don't fall in love with a fantasy. You fall in lust with a fantasy. You fall in love with reality, which is a human, of course. Right, yeah, so someone you connect with on a deeper level than that, correct, um, what else do you have? That's all I.
Speaker 1:The only other thing I have is at the end, where Joey and Dawson say they love each other. Oh, as they're like breaking up, it's the first time, because he's like we just said we love each other and you're walking out, which was dumb but also, yeah, weird. It was weird. I did not like that moment. And then he kept like making her come back and then she finally left. But it was like. That was weird.
Speaker 1:I don't it's like those tropes in movies and stuff or even in real life, yeah, where it's like I love you, I just can't be with you. No, then fuck that. Then you don't love me, right, you'll make, you'll figure it out, or you won't. It's I know, I know I'm with you, although I say that. And then I'm like if troy had an affair, his ass is gone. You're like the love is over in an instant. Yeah, no more love ever again. But also, if someone loves me, they're gonna love me no matter what. No matter what happens, they're gonna make it work. You ain't got time to have affairs. I don't know.
Speaker 1:I've heard, I know it's cliche. People are like I don't even have time to manage my normal life, let alone a side life, and I'm like that Also. It just sounds exhausting. Oh my God. I was just going to say that I'm like I have three men in my house, three males in my house. I do not need more. No, and I'm not attracted to women, so I mean I can that's where we are barely like text my friends back or my parents or whatever like. To try to then try to keep up some sort of the mental energy difference from a distance. I think it'd be really, really oof. No, I have not.
Speaker 1:I just I've said, like in my future, if for some reason I'm not with my husband anymore, whatever that reason may be, like that is, that's fine, I'll be by myself the rest of my life. Not that I don't want to be with him, but I'm saying like I, like he's, like I feel that the you know, I don't, I don't want to deal with any. I don't want to deal with any of that ever, oh yeah, ever again. No, we've gotten to this point. I love him very much. That's yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't want to get to have to try to get to this point again with somebody else. I get it sure, and I were talking about aging one time like this is so morbid, but I said you know, when we get older and if something happens to you first I am going to golden girls it up. Yes, like I do not want to be going down the marriage path again, right, because it is a lot of work it is and I feel like you know you get like, taryn and I have been married 20 years in April. We've been together for 22 years. Wow, like that's a long time to get in a relationship and get a comfortable place. And it takes so much time to get in a relationship and get a comfortable place and it takes so much work to have a good relationship, right, I don't want to do that again when I'm old. No, me either, me either.
Speaker 1:And then it's like if you don't have the depth of um of a relationship, I like I don't want the person there. Then, yeah, do you know what I mean? Like that sounds really bad. But no, I get it. I don't want like a shallow, superficial, like, oh yeah, I'm kind of attracted to you. I'm kind of attracted to you, I don't know. Let's share a life, right, like, what's the point of that? Right, I'd rather just be by myself, be with my friends, be with my kids, grandkids, dog oh my god. A life with my kids, grandkids, dogs oh my god. A life with my books to my dogs and some music and some coffee and some wine and some journals and some pens. That's a lot of things, though. Actually I like the simple life, but you know what we're gonna have soundbite.
Speaker 1:I would love to see a soundbite from us in like 40 years, seriously, oh, you've been married three times and you don't live by yourself and you know you have cats. Hey, famous last words, right, I would love to have cats. Okay, it'd be me having a dog. Then my husband's allergic to cats, that's right. I mean, I do know. You know what it is. It's not that I don't like cats, it's that I think they don't like me and I don't know how to deal with that situation. They're selective, whereas like dogs just like me, dogs, like everybody that pets them it's easy. It's like it's instant love back. Now you have to earn a cat's love, right, and I don't. I don't feel good at that. I feel awkward trying to do that and maybe I try too hard and that's why it doesn't work, but I'd be willing to try.
Speaker 1:You have to be chosen with cats, yeah, in which it upsets Troy, because Luigi chose me and Caden and he really he's not a mean cat like. He just doesn't go to Cooper and Troy like they're his last resort. Yeah, and like Troy will be upstairs in his blanket, like playing video games. He'll be like Luigi, luigi, nothing for hours. I walk in the door and he comes running. I'll be like Luigi and he'll talk to me. I'll be like Luigi and he'll be like, and he'll like run up the stairs and Troy's like what the hell that's? Yeah, that's cats, though. That's all right. Should we talk about the next one? Yeah, okay. So we're going to go right into the next episode, which is episode seven. It's called the all nighter. Yep, okay, I have the description. Yeah, an all night study session rates friction and unveils some surprises for Dawson and his friends. Oh, yes, okay.
Speaker 1:So this one starts with that traditional intro where Dawson's in his room watching a movie and analyzing yeah. And so first you see him just analyzing it was, um, it was, yeah, it was like a Shakespeare in a movie, an old movie. And then you realize and you're thinking, well, didn't him and Joey just break up? And then like what? And it's his mom watching it with him, which is really cute. She looks pretty, you know, heartbroken. It looks like she's been crying, she's got her tissues, but I thought that it was like a really good scene because the juxtaposition she's basically telling him like when you, when you have something bad happen or emotionally charged like a breakup, you're supposed to wallow for a bit.
Speaker 1:You're supposed to feel that. You're supposed to feel bad because he was saying, which is kind of weird, he's like I'm not sad about Joey because it doesn't change anything, it's not going to bring her back. She's like, well, that's not the point, right, it's a catharsis. It's like working through your feelings and I felt that I was like okay, as a person who I generally would just rather put a positive spin on something and keep moving, I've had to work really hard on not doing that every time and being able to sit with uncomfortable feelings or sadness, whatever it's about, or to be like ooh, why does this thing bother me, instead of like, well on the bright side, blah, blah. Be like, ooh, why does this thing bother me? Instead of like, well on the bright side, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And there's place for that sometimes. But I thought that she just like summed that up really well. Yeah, I also liked when she's telling him like talking about heartbreak and breakups, and he's like so you're telling me it never gets easier and she's like, nope, nope, you just go to bed earlier. So good, I loved that line. Ah, facts, that was so good, totally, totally, totally so.
Speaker 1:Then they and when the show starts, after the intro music, they're in this english class. Yeah, the blue, the blue bugs. Yeah, I wrote that down. Oh my god, do they still use those? No, I oh also remember Scantrons, victoria. Did you see the message she sent us? So our friend Victoria sent us this hilarious video about Scantrons. This guy commentating on our Scantron stresses and it is hilarious, so, yeah. So thanks for sending that our way, victoria, because it gave me cackles. But so scantron and blue books.
Speaker 1:I did not use blue books in high school. I only use them in college, which was I was in college when the season came out. I think I used them in college too. Yeah, I never used them in high school. I don't think I did either. Um, but I remember going to the college bookstore, like on my way to take a test, and getting a blue book and bringing it with me. Yes, yep. And so they are all freaked out about this English exam slash essay thing they're all going to have to do. So Andy suggests they have like a study session.
Speaker 1:And then we got this new guy, chris Wolf. What else was he in, I don't know. So he looked really familiar. And then I was also like every guy on the show looks the same. He was in another show in the early 2000s. Okay, I wonder what it was. We'll have to look him up. I got to look it up while we're talking. What's his name? His name in the episode was Chris Wolf. Okay, hold on, I'm gonna look him up while we're talking because it's gonna drive me crazy. So they all decide that they're going. Well, andy wants to study. So they decide they'll all go to his house. Yes, I guess he's very rich and he lives in a mansion and and they said pacey's like they're totally loaded. They have a satellite dish and, sure enough, when pacey got there, he's trying to watch TV. Oh my god, hilarious.
Speaker 1:But I said that, like his, his general look was very similar to Jack, yeah, and to, um, chris Foley. Oh no, he's not a little bit like same height, same hair? You mean Scott Foley, scott Foley, what I say? Chris Foley, betrayal.
Speaker 1:Katie always finds a way to bring up Scott Foley. He ain't even in this season. And she, I talked about him on the last episode. I know that's what I'm saying. You always want to bring him back. I'm gonna find a way every time now.
Speaker 1:So did you find him? What else? Yeah, hold on, oh, he aged, by the way, hold on Everyone on this freaking show. Right, dawson's Creek gave them Roswell, that's what it was. Did you ever watch Roswell? Yeah, yeah, he is. He was the alien, got it, got it, got it. Oh, that was such a good show that came out in 99. So he, yeah, it was right around. It must have been right after this. So he, yeah, it was right around the. It must've been right after this. Okay, so, all right, all right.
Speaker 1:So then they end up at this guy's house and so, first of all, he's like, hitting heavily on Jen, yeah, so we've got this whole other storyline now where somebody else is hitting on Jen and and it gets a little more nuanced than that as we go. But, um, they get to the house and Andy's got this whole plan. She, we go. But they get to the house and Andy's got this whole plan. She's organized, lady. She's like we're going to do half hour of this and this and this and this and this. And they're like okay, let's order a pizza and let's do a bonding experience first and they took one of those, those magazines which, by the way, jane magazine.
Speaker 1:Did you read Jane? Yes. So I loved Jane magazine back in the day because it was like edgy, like you had 17. You had YM and that was it. And teen magazine, right, yeah, teen. But then Jane came out late 90s and it was a little edgier and I loved it Although I don't remember the quizzes being like Cosmo-esque, loved it, although I don't remember the quizzes being like Cosmo-esque. I remember more of like um, I remember more of like feminist, which maybe, okay, I remember more of like feminist articles and stuff, like I can remember them having like an essay about abortion and not like, oh, it was so terrible, but like I deserve the right to choose what happens to my body, and blah, blah, blah. But anyway, jane magazine.
Speaker 1:So the one, the specific one they were doing, which first of all was a hundred questions which I was like whoa, yeah, was a purity test, yeah, which is a whole thing. But I looked up and this is the thing I was looking at earlier oh, I found a 90s quiz from 17 magazine. Uh, huh, we don't have to do the whole thing, but it was in the 1996 edition. Let's do a couple of questions. But the magazine they had, so this isn't the same one. Oh, but I guess what I was getting at is the questions they were asking felt like, yeah, I took quizzes like that. Now, I don't know that this one's as racy as that one. That irritated me.
Speaker 1:Before we get into the yeah, yeah, that giant sex quiz, ok, first of all, it's a bunch of teenagers taking it who are mostly pretty inexperienced, even the ones who are sexually active, still pretty inexperienced, pretty narrow and not sexually mature. Right, right, like that quiz I could see people in their 20s taking, sure, right, I don't care what the hell fucking decade, it is Like if you're a teenager, you're still a kid. Whether you're sexually active or not, you're still an experience. Yeah, you know what I mean, of course so, but then I I was irritated because it made that scene, made it seem like among plenty of others like it during that time that it was normal and expected for teenagers to be like rampantly sexually active. It just made it, not that they're not, but it was like you felt like you were kind of on the outskirts if you weren't right, right, yeah, I didn't think about that, but that makes sense, I kind of took it as like although I think what you're talking about is the answers they were giving. That's what I mean, like, of course, teens teens think about sex all the time and they would like take a test like this and like laugh, Right, and like I mean, hormones are a real thing, lust is a real thing, and like teenage years are rampant for that, and but like I just I guess what made me irritated about it is that it pushed that narrative, that all of this other stuff was pushed at the time, that being frequently sexually active as a teen was expected, and also that you're supposed to know all this stuff already. Right, that's true, I didn't think about how, like, which I felt I feel like is a big disservice to males and females, but a lot mostly on female side, because our bodies are way more complicated when it comes to sexual things. Sorry, men, it's true, right, so when you go into, like you are pushed this narrative at that time, I don't feel like it's as bad now, right, but like you're expected to know all these things and boys, or whoever your partner is, is expected to like just go in there knowing all this stuff, right, yeah, so that irritated me because I can remember being a teenager, being frustrated, even an older teen, when you start having sexual experiences, being like what, like I don't know that, and they is that right? I mean you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:And if we're looking through this lens, like it was just couple years later when, like the american pie stuff, yeah, and that I remember feeling like that, yes, like you're describing, yeah, I mean obviously you have like the jason biggs character who I feel like more people could relate to. Yes, a hundred percent, but he was supposed to be like the goofball, inexperienced, like what you don't want to be, like, right, not like what you should be. But I feel like he reflected more realistically, more reality, yeah, like, even for women, even that scene where he finally is with the exchange student and he, you know, has his moment too soon. That is more accurate. It is, yeah, that's mostly what happens, mostly what happens Like that's supposed to be right, but I don't know, like, so do you see what I'm saying? I do it's a very like in-depth way to look at that, but I feel like that's part of the problem when we were coming of age in that time is that you're pushed this narrative and then, when you like, it comes with you into your adult. You're like what? The? Okay, yeah, yeah, anyway.
Speaker 1:So now let's talk about the fun stuff. Okay, so we'll. So let me give you just a couple of questions on this quiz, and these are not purity questions I just randomly looked up. Well, good thing, because I am a hundred percent pure. Okay, good, well, we wouldn't even need it. But I just want to give an example of the types of questions these quizzes were asking. Okay, all right.
Speaker 1:So again 1996, what edition of 17, 17. All right, at 11 PM it occurs to you that you promised to bake brownies for tomorrow's homeroom fundraiser for the needy. You, one, crack open a Diet Coke and do the Betty Crocker thing till 1am, whipping up delicious brownies. Two, stop at the supermarket on your way to school, pick up a bag of chips. Ahoy, and say so, sorry dudes, when your pals point out the lameness of prepackaged goods. Or three, show up empty handed saying that you had better things to do than soil your hands with brownie batter. How about none of those? I got to pick one to go to the next one, so let's just pick, wait.
Speaker 1:So if you had to pick one of those three. What would it be when you were 17? Probably the middle one. I would have just picked something up from the store. I do that now. I mean, I would probably do that too. No, you make stuff all the time. No, no, no, when I was 17,. You're 17. I'm not going to the store at 11 o'clock at night, that's true, I'm not. I didn't even go get coffee last night. I had my, my kid. But actually when I was a teenager, I probably would Right and just said fuck it, I'm just going to do it Me too. Oh, not to make it, but to pick up the goods. No, I probably would have made. Well, I would have made. No, I didn't know how to make stuff yet. I didn't teach myself how to cook until I was an adult. Let's do another one. Let's just see if these are bad too. All right, by the way, there's a picture.
Speaker 1:Your all-time favorite place to shop is your best friend's closet. She has the coolest and most wallet-friendly stuff and always lends you whatever. Whenever. When she asks whether she could borrow your beloved J Crew turtleneck, you A lend her the turtleneck, of course, plus a pair of faded jeans. What Two say no way, as you hand her a pile of 15 unwashed things that you've borrowed from her rude three. Let her wear it, but only after she listens to an extended lecture about your corduroys that got ripped when she wore them last time. Okay, what kind of fucking dumb ass is gonna answer anything but the first one, right like. The whole setup is like she gives you anything anytime you want and she wants your turtleneck. Like who would even answer the other two? Nobody. Okay, so we're gonna say that one. All right, let's do one more. God, this is really bad. This is really bad. Okay, oh, this is hello kitty, okay.
Speaker 1:A girl you've never met in your life says what's up, sits down at your lunch table and starts unpacking her hello kitty lunchbox. I already know what you're gonna say. You a say hi and offer up some oreos. B politely introduce yourself and your friends, but then what? But then toll your eyes. Oh, roll, it's supposed to say roll, but then roll your eyes when she's not looking. Or, three, ask excuse me, but do you have a reservation?
Speaker 1:Scared with these, although when I was in high school I probably would have done. B you would, yeah, you'd have been like sure, who the hell? Uh-huh, that's fair when I was in high school, absolutely okay. Well, anyway, there's there's more where that came from. We'll get to eventually, but you know we're short on time today. But, um, all right, that.
Speaker 1:I just I just wanted to like that quiz made me think there's got to be one online somewhere we can find, and this was literally just the first one I found. I don't remember them being that terrible. That was pretty bad, just like the writing of it. You know who came up with those. All right, we'll do it. We'll do an episode on teen mags because we've got to one day, we've got to, or just even an episode where we each find one of those quizzes for each other and just do it. That'd be fun. I wish we could find. I'll look next time I'm thrifting some old like teen YM magazines. That would be awesome. Yeah, that would be awesome. I'll look All right, anyway. Yeah, That'd be awesome. I'll look All right, anyways. Oh, another thing.
Speaker 1:So, another thing that was annoying about their little study session was how. Okay, first of all, chris is some like wine connoisseur. That was weird. He's like a 16 year old like this is from Napa, and then they're like sitting around just casually drinking the wine, and they were. By the way, they drank like two bottles, just him and Jen, and they were just totally normal. That's another thing that has come up in this show multiple times. Is the teen drinking the drunken, or the effects on their bodies is not played up at all at all. They were just still normal. Like Jen had that time where she threw up, but then she was fine right after that, immediately. Yeah, I'm like you got you gotta listen. I drink two glasses of wine and I am sleepy at the very least. Yeah, but like they drank. Basically they had two bottles of wine, so a bottle of wine each.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I didn't like that either. I thought it was weird and and then it's like clear that they're the only two drinking it, and so then I'm like is that a way of kind of being like well, these are the bad kids in the group, these are the ones that are like drinking and having sex and like all the things. I don't know, it was weird, I know, I just thought it was unnecessary, it was, and I did like um, the line that chris said when he was talking to Jen in the kitchen, when he, after he, got the bottle of wine out, and then she was like I don't know, like about you. I've heard some stuff or whatever. And he said reputations are not worth the air they are written on. Oh, I loved that. Yeah, I was like I kind of think it's true about you, chris, but the air they're written on like they're nothing it's true, they're just, that's all they are. I thought that was a really good line. That's a good line.
Speaker 1:Oh, I said pause for 17 quiz. Well, we already did it. Pause, okay, and I may be going too far ahead, okay, but when they get to the question and basically everyone just outs Pacey, well, everyone is Chris, but no one came to Pacey's defense about the teacher incident Cause Andy doesn't know. Now, does Andy have a right to know about that? I think so, eventually, to be intimate, but that's not like Pacey's choosing and also that's so traumatic for her. I know to hear it in that space and I again, I know that stuff happens. I know I've been in rooms as a teen where, yes, somebody, something like that happens. So maybe it's developmentally appropriate.
Speaker 1:But I did not like that scene. I know. I thought that was his story to tell and part of, like, what makes him and Andy so great is that it doesn't have all that baggage. Yeah, well, they can just kind of like each other on the surface level, but he did lie to her, that's true. So that's the whole. That's why she was upset. It's because he lied to her about it. And then she felt stupid Because he, he lied, yeah, and so.
Speaker 1:But I actually, I actually felt okay with how they wrote um pacey and andy's little talk after that, agree, because he was like, if you can't deal with my past, then move on. Like right, that's like. Because she was like, oh, but pacey, how could you do that? Oh, right, right, right, okay, all right, I get it and it's awful. I'm not okay with that storyline, right, but also you, that happened, like that's part of his past and you have to be like, not okay with it, but you have to accept it, yeah, and if you can't accept it, then he's right, he's right now. He should not have lied and he admitted that, yeah, but, and he does say to her like I can't change it, kind of like what you're saying, you know, let's see what else here.
Speaker 1:Oh, and then I thought it was interesting when Dawson tried to warn Jen about Chris and he was like, oh, you know he's just trying to sleep with you or whatever. So like on both sides, because on one hand, I was like well, good for Dawson, especially being, you know, male, presenting to go ahead and say something to her as a friend, but then like also good for her To be, like she's like, how do you know, I'm not after it, right, she's like thanks, but I know, right, hello, like I'm not an idiot, right, right, hello, like I'm not an idiot, right, and how do you know I'm not doing the same thing which she kind of was, yeah, so I thought that whole thing was good. I was like okay, like they're. Good job, dawson, for speaking up, if you felt weird about it, but like also good job, jen, just being like dude. I'm fine, you know, but there's been other times in the series. She's not, she needs a little help, but right, oh, and chris's sister looked like amberley.
Speaker 1:Oh, my, yes, I was about to say is it Dinah? I don't know, but she looked like Amberley from like a year or two ago. Oh, my gosh, that's a kid, one of our friends, yes, who does things at my studio. She does look like her, Right, and, and I mean this character on the show is a little more sassy than Amber bit of like quick wit, you know, which I really definitely saw, yeah, in the little sister. And of course it's like the little sister, that's like poking at everybody's insecurities and then, um, I guess they wrote down their answers to the purity test. So then she finds them and it says that joey's been in love twice. So now dawson's all upset because who's the second? Because he, as far as he knows she's only been obsessed with him her whole life. Again, come on which, in the end, that is what it is when he confronts her. Was she lying? I'm not gonna, don't tell me.
Speaker 1:But also another girl trying to kiss Dawson, even though it's a little sister, I know, hello, everyone wants to kiss Dawson, you guys, not me, okay. But here's the thing I will say about Chris the rich guy. He's a dick, but he also did ask for her consent and made sure they were on the same page. He was like you know, we can just do our thing, or whatever, and she's like. He was like, and she's like well, what, if I don't want to go any further? He's like well, I'm not an asshole, or he didn't say it like that. Yeah, he was like, that's fine. But he's like are we on the same page? And she said, yes, I was like okay, I'm okay with that. Yeah, exactly, I like that too. It was a way to be kind of like.
Speaker 1:And then it kind of gave an open-ended like if we need to like, if you're changing your mind at some point, that's okay too right, because he asked in the first place um, okay, so then they all kind of fall, they fall asleep. Which why? Was pacey on a pool table? That's what I wrote down, what the fuck? I think? Because it's pacey and people were everywhere and he's just face down on a pool table. I was like so, first of all, I and I'm old, I know, but I cannot sleep without like a pillow, a blank, I oh same. But back in my younger days, girl, I guess I could have fallen asleep anywhere. Girl, I slept some places on a pool table, face down. I mean, maybe I don't know, I there, I, yeah.
Speaker 1:I remember one time I fell asleep at a party and I like so my sorority had all these like standards we were supposed to uphold, we were not supposed to shack. I swear to God, this is what it was called. Y'all, it's so bad, it's so antiquated at fraternity houses. Now you're supposed to shack yeah, because people would see you leaving, all right, and know that you're spending the night. And they took this real serious, like you'd get in big trouble If you. You also couldn't smoke standing up, you had to sit down. I know what. Listen, I didn't make the rules Exactly. It's the dumbest thing in the history of the land. So anyways, but if your boyfriend had a house like you go, or an apartment, you go, spend the night over there all the time, you couldn't be at the fraternity houses.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I was at a fraternity party and I was with a friend of mine and we were in somebody's room talking and it was just her and I, like we were just chatting and I don't know if we were watching something, but we totally fell asleep and when we woke up it was the next morning. Nobody came and got us. We were panicked, like and nothing like we were not even with boys. I don't even know where the people were that lived in that room Like I have no idea. But we woke up at like 7 am, just like them or like like when the sunlight. We were like shit. We got to go. Now nobody can see us and our clothes are gonna think we did something. Right, you're close to the knife. The walk of shame, yeah, oh my god. And we really didn't do anything, except I had too much to drink, probably. Well, yeah, and passed out, but yeah, that's funny.
Speaker 1:Um, and then, of course, like everyone jumps in the pool with their clothes on. That was weird. That was weird. I was like did they just want these people to be in wet clothes getting out of the pool? It was weird.
Speaker 1:And then I was like okay, they just skip the first half of the school day, then go for that test, because they're like we have four hours and I'm like school starts now. Right, they didn't show up till 10. And then, like in the hallway, they're sleeping on the football field like hell, where's the teachers? They're like I have an idea. And then they're like asleep on this like globe, and it was very like a globe in the grass. It was very aesthetic, like they were equally apart from each other and I was like this is, this is the silliest thing I've ever seen, so silly and also, oh, on that note, ok, do their parents not about that Wonder? First of all, they're gone all night. Then they're skipping school the first part of the day Is nobody wondering where the hell they are. Plot hole, I guess. I guess we're to believe that.
Speaker 1:And then also, like Chris and his little sister, there were no adults there ever. No, he said they were away so he was just supposed to watch her. I guess that's a little more believable. That's a little more believable, I guess. And they didn't have like a rager, it was like people studying, they were sipping Napa wine, so I mean whatever. A big nap of wine, so I mean whatever. You probably shouldn't have had all those people over, but it was like pretty mild. But yeah, I don't know too the parents.
Speaker 1:I wondered the same thing. I thought of one more thing. Yeah, the condom wrapper close-up. Oh, yeah, well it's, there was like three or four. I was like, okay, also unrealistic, hello, unless, unless you couldn't get it right the first time or two, oh well, which is possible, but I don't think that's what's the implication. Yeah, we're talking about Jen and Chris, so they do go through with it. Interesting, like a big litter pack of condoms there. Well, that was quite an episode, so I'm interested to see what happens next. Oh, you have a lesson. Yeah, I have a lesson and a fuse. So thanks for listening to our double Dawson's episode, and we'll be back with another one of these and a normal episode next time on Generation Inbetween. Thanks, guys, for tuning in. See you then. Bye.